Cheap Travel Insurance for Bulgaria

The travel insurance is usually NOT included in my tours (except the hiking trips, winter trekking or freeride ski tours where the insurance is absolutely mandatory). For any other tours I can happily assist you in purchasing the cheap travel insurance, just let me know at least few days in advance.

If you still haven’t booked tour with me or want to travel by yourself I still can redirect your inquiry to my insurance agent without any commission.

travel insurance for Bulgaria

The Advantages of Travel Insurance for Bulgaria:

Travel insurance is sufficient security for the costs of health services to the hospital.
No need to carry reserve funds for unexpected health problems.
The insurer with the policy ensures that all funds for health services will be paid.
There are no hidden conditions, unexpected fees or unpleasant letters inviting to pay something you’ve already forgotten.
There are two different types of insurance which I recommend to order while planning your tour to Bulgaria.

Travel Insurance Abroad

I can provide cheap travel insurance valid abroad with all kinds of coatings and non-stop assistance in 5 languages. The insurance is valid worldwide except the country of domicile of the Insured.

The insurance amount in EUR or USD covers basic risks:
Medical expenses due to accident or acute illness
Repatriation due to accident or acute disease
Emergency dental care. The limit of liability for “Emergency dental care ‘350 EUR / USD, irrespective of the sum insured.

The price of the travel insurance for Bulgaria start from € 0.45 per day

Discounts you can use when ordering insurance for bigger groups:

11 – 20 persons – 5%
21 – 30 persons – 10%
31 – 40 persons – 15%
41 – 50 persons – 20%

Discount for a period of insurance over 30 days:

31 days – 60 days – 5%
61 days – 90 days – 10%
91 days – 120 days – 15%
121 days – 150 days – 20%
151 days – 180 days – 25%
181 days – 360 days – 30%

Mountain insurance for Bulgaria

Since the beginning of December 2000, the Bulgarian insurance market comes at last the long awaited mountain health insurance. This is a good alternative to the direct payment and believe that it is within the capabilities of anyone practicing mountain sports and tourism in Bulgaria.

The price of the mountain insurance for Bulgaria starts from 30 BGN (15 EUR) per year, covers costs up to 1,000 BGN/ 500 EUR, compared in an accident on a ski slope for rescue work (400BGN / 200EUR) and transport (160 BGN/80 EURO) paid a total of 560BGN / 280EUR.

Mountain health insurance has long been put into practice the inhabitants of mountainous countries and hikers. There is unthinkable to practice ski mountaineering, snowboarding, paragliding, mountain bike, hiking and mountain have no insurance. This brings security, and this is economically advantageous because if there is no insurance, the victim in any case must pay in cash the cost of rescue operations.

And not forget that in life no matter where you come from and where you are going, and if you manage to be happy on the way!